I’m writing this from bed.
my bed. my home. my safe place. warmth.
I’m writing this from a place that feels good for me.
and the beauty, irony, and reconciliation of all of this is that the place I’m writing from—symbolically & otherwise—is also what I’m passionate about.
love. sex. intimacy. feeling good.
what happens when all of the above are combined (or simply underpinned by) a deep, embodied sense of safety. what becomes possible.
I love sex, and I love it in a way that I’ve never seen or heard anyone speak about it before.
I love sex for its fire, power, and pull.
I love sex for its quiet strength.
I love sex for what it is, and what it represents.
I love sex for its SOUL.
I think it’s been deeply misunderstood.
I’m obsessed with the communication that’s not only possible but PRESENT for & between bodies when we slow down enough to listen. and I’m obsessed with dismantling obstacles to that presence, connection, and oneness, in myself & others, not because there is somewhere to get to but because getting somewhere [beautiful, meaningful & transformative] is inevitable when you operate from that place— at least in my experience.
sex humbles me. sex heals me.
and the “me” that I’m referring to is personal & impersonal at the same time.
in many ways, in my opinion, sex is the ultimate body-based philosophy. followed to its logical conclusion, it is the physical enactment of “follow what’s alive, and never go faster than you can feel”. and it offers (and embodies) limitless potentiality.
it doesn’t require a partner, and it also isn’t restricted to one. or two. or three. there are many flavours of sexuality, sensuality & love. all are welcome. all belong. all have their rightful place. all have a loving, innocent essence, and essential beauty.
I believe that sex is the way in which we come home to ourselves, albeit this kind of sex may not be anything like the sex we’ve experienced before. it may not look or feel like sex in any form we recognise as “sex”.
and, it is sex.
because sex is creative power, made flesh.
and sex— at least the kind of sex I’m passionate about— is the embodiment & expression of love.
that’s what makes it powerful.
that’s what makes it beautiful.
that’s what makes it holy.
that’s what makes it inherently whole, and inherently wholesome.
that’s what makes it the greatest route I know to god and godliness, in self & others, with self & others.
when sex is love, there is no resistance anymore.
i love you rach but this is nonsense, or its spoken from a position of such privilege that it cannot possibly translate to the majority of other's human experience. you have such a thoroughly optimistic, dare I say "naive", point of view, that it can't hardly account for other's varied circumstances, and how the rest of us encounter the concepts you elaborate on. admittedly, i am responding from a place of deep pain and dissatisfaction with life in general, so you will please forgive me for the negative tone and doubt. it's just that your idealism does not square with my life experience thus far, which is painful and depressing for me to concede, but nonetheless truthful.