I am beginning to put words to something that has recently come into my awareness: that of the power of clarity, and of viewing oneself as an anchor.
Success will not make you happy unless you are able to share when you’re sad, too.
Success will not make you happy unless you are able to be real while you’re being successful.
I am beginning to see that the ways in which I have been “holding myself back” haven’t been me holding myself back at all.
They have been me pacing myself.
Because I have so much energy, and such a big heart, and so much to give. And to use my energy and heart wisely, I must be devoted to me. I must always be devoted to me.
There is so much sadness in this for me. There is more sadness than it feels possible to put into words. And there is so much grief.
It would be so easy for me to beat myself up right now. It would be so easy for me to crumple. It would be so easy for me to feel let down or betrayed.
But the truth is, I don’t really feel that way. I just miss you.
I love deeply, and I miss you. That’s what hurts. I miss your presence in my life.
I don’t want to be different from who I am. I want to be myself. I want to stay.
I love how good I am at building bridges.
I love how open-hearted I am.
I love how deeply I love.
I love myself.
I love how willing I am to open my heart.
I love how willing I am to share my heart.
I love that I am willing to go first.
To be brave , unconventional, and vulnerable. To have feelings. To share my feelings. To share my feelings, and have them not be reciprocated.
I love how much & how deeply I back myself.
This is power, this is love, and this is mastery.
This is everything I wanted to learn how to be.
This is everything I ever needed.
This is growth. This is maturity. I am grateful to be able to feel.
And, above all else: I am grateful to be able to choose not to look away.
I believe in lifetime love. I do not care for form. When I love you, I love you. No ifs, no buts. I will love you forever. I will protect you forever. This love-- this bond-- is unbreakable. You do not need to give me anything in return. You do not need to be anything for me in return. I do not need anything from you. This love can stand alone. And, do not misunderstand me. Of course, I want. But I do not want in a way that will get in the way of us, because I care about us more than what I want.
- R L C
the most beautiful fine art in the world (DM for links)
offering something new (clothes-on tantric-tao bodywork)
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