On the life-changing power of legitimacy.
What it is, why it matters & how to harness it to create what you want in life.
what is legitimacy?
for me, it's nothing more than the idea that you have a RIGHT to be who you are + think & feel the way you do in any moment (in every moment)
✔️ nothing is wrong
✔️ everything is perfect
... just as it is
in my experience:
✔️ when you say no with legitimacy, you feel no guilt
✔️ when you feel legitimate in your power, you feel no negative emotions around it
legitimacy purifies, cleanses & transforms @ the same fucking time
legitimacy is magic:
✔️ you're allowed to take up space
✔️ you're allowed to ask for what you want
✔️ you're allowed to prioritise your own needs (+ desires!) first
your full-body yes is a VIRTUE because it makes you congruent & trustworthy
your full-body yes creates
✔️ space
✔️ safety
✔️ permission
for other people to step into & HONOUR their own
legitimacy is the fundamental pillar of UNSHAMING YOURSELF:
when you can’t get it wrong,
you are always right
which also means that love, wisdom & joy are always available to you 💕
some ideas that I’ve been falling in love with lately:
1. we don’t choose our desires
2. desire itself is sacred
strip away the labels, judgements, self-consciousness and shame, and watch what unfolds.
if you don’t know what you want, ask yourself what you desire.
if you don't know what you desire, ask yourself what you haven't let yourself want.