I’m free-writing this.
I’ve written several Substack posts over the last few weeks, and I haven’t shared them.
When the time has come to press SEND, it hasn’t felt right.
I’m grappling with—curious about—why, and also accepting.
Sometimes the power of writing is just in writing. Even if it was originally intended to go beyond me.
I feel deeply humbled right now. I don’t have all of the answers. And that’s a fucking beautiful thing. I notice myself move between modes of being and curiosity (attention out on the world at large, in all its incarnations), and I surrender the need to be right.
There is no right or wrong [response] here. It is all right. We are all right. We are going to be alright.
We are always breaking in, out, up, and through.
This is life.
This is what it means to be alive.
I’m grateful for it.
I want to talk about the topic of war.
And… I want to talk about the topic of condemnation.
I want to talk about what happens when we condemn others.
I want to talk about what happens when we become unable to see the humanity in another.
I want to talk about the fight to reclaim our humanity for ourselves.
I feel strongly that one of the bravest & most powerful any of us can do is refuse to lose ourselves.
Refuse to lose our shine, our spark, our joie de vivre.
Our lust for love & life itself.
You can torture me, but you can’t take my love away from me.
You can take away everything I have, but you cannot ruin me.
You cannot deprive me. You cannot make me depraved. That is true power.
There is a way for us to take everything & make it beautiful.
And when I say that, I am not referring to “love & light”.
This is not denial.
This is not wilful ignorance.
This is not “making excuses”.
This is choosing to dig deep within yourself & channel EVERYTHING YOU HAVE [LEFT] into grounding down in your physical body… and circulating energy through it.
For you.
Being “selfish”.
Because losing you [too] helps no one. We need you.
We want you.
I need you.
I want you.
You need you.
You want you.
This is a rallying call for love.
Because if we make love into war, love can never win.
And if love has become warlike in nature, it makes sense that we learn & enact psychological defences.
I love you.
I will always love you. And I love you for me.
I love you no matter what.
I love you because it reminds me of who I really am.
I love you because it keeps me grounded & centred on what’s really, really, really important.
I love you as I love myself.
And I love myself.
So, of course I love you.
And, of course I choose love.
And, of course I choose truth.
Because I know what’s possible when we do, and I believe in our ability to be & do great—BEAUTIFUL, awe-inspiring, COURAGEOUSLY HUMANE & DIVINE—things.
Thank you for reading.