How to become the spiritual warrior you already are.
You are strong. You are brave. You are powerful. You are free.
“what's going on is nothing less than spiritual warfare. but fighting back requires cunning.” - @rachelclif
“you can't out-fight a system that's contingent on us being & remaining divided, angry with, and fearful of one another. and even if you can (I'm yet to see evidence of this, but I remain open-minded on principle), the fight itself occurs at great personal & collective cost.”
“the most powerful thing any of us can do is learn how to think clearly, & for ourselves. to question what we’ve been told. to question what we think we know. to connect with a deeper truth & Knowing that goes beyond our identities & vision for the world.” - @rachelclif
RACHEL CLIFTON (real power is embodied)⚡️ @rachelclif
“this is why I talk so much about not making ourselves wrong.developing a strong backbone of cognitive flexibility is of paramount importance for us to be able to sift through the noise,work out what feels true for us &watch ourselves &our experiences of the world shift in turn.”
“a few days ago, I off-handedly made a joke about de-stigmatizing idiocy being the key to ‘saving the world’. the more I think about it, the more I see the nugget of wisdom in this.” - @rachelclif
RACHEL CLIFTON (real power is embodied)⚡️ @rachelclif
“there is so much idiocy in the world. and, when we’re able to view that idiocy with love & compassion, something new emerges. something much more raw, connected & hopeful.” - @rachelclif
RACHEL CLIFTON (real power is embodied)⚡️ @rachelclif